The Latest Trade Tweets

Don't get hung up on the job title. Look at the job ad and figure out what you can do and address that in your letter #FashionCampusNYC
Full house, long line for our Q&A, engaging panel and tons of good info dispensed. #FashionCampusNYC
Grad school or work: ppl in this ind didn't care that I went to grad school initially but it has helped propel me later #FashionCampusNYC
What about if you're entreprenuerial: go work for someone else first! #FashionCampusNYC
Get the most out of your internship: show up w/ a smile & offer to help. B eager. No 1 loves that more than a busy person #FashionCampusNYC
How to move to diff career paths: Think about your strenghs. I love product but I'm much better at analysis. #FashionCampusNYC
You forget about quiet interns. Add your opinions and ask questions. You have to add value #fashioncampusnyc
"I could be doing what I do on Wall Street but I'm dying to see how the new shirt is going to sell & drive the business." #fashioncampusnyc
Like Fashion Draft NYC on Facebook to find out more about the fall @NYCEDC and Parsons event
"Fashion is much more financial than I thought. Ultimately I'm evaluated on the bottom line". #fashioncampusnyc
"everyday you're going to be wrong about something. Even if you bought the right thing, you didn't buy enough" #fashioncampusnyc
#fashioncampusnyc "there are a lot of crazy people [in fashion] so you have to love it to work in it."
Fashion Draft NYC announced--a new program from @Nycedc in conjunction with Parsons #fashioncampusnyc
Panel agrees: there's no typical day in fashion #fashioncampusnyc
Hi! It's freezing cold where we are so we have more time inside to plan our games for giveaways next week:) We...
@mannyrflores thank you for the mention. I try and post and retweet issues relevant to the industries I work with.
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Tempted to take style blogger type pics of our glamourous #fashioncampusnyc interns!
Arrivals! #fashioncampusnyc
Thank you for the #FF mention! - @themediamatters @Bush_Furniture @usmattress
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@PoppyStore @lemonslaundry @Girlactik @chic_child @KimOhme @3fourandunder @pwhacks @pluckypea @poshbabyblog Thanks for the FF Follow!
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