The Latest Trade Tweets -- Happiness is a Young Entrepreneur That Gives Back
Brands Have a Bigger Role to Play in Society: Fueling Democracy | CMO Strategy - Advertising Age
RT @paularonw: Looking forward to @BabyLegs photoshoot this week!
Munjal @Google Boutiques: "ecommerce 2.0 is about serendipity not just intent" @GiltGroupe Brand Summit
Munjal talks @Google Boutiques @GiltGroupe Brand Summit. Interested to learn how it's going... This more curated approach.
Love that the @ToryBurch crew is obsessed with @CharlieRoseShow too! @GiltGroupe Brand Summit
@Emmet1202 thank you for the mention. I try and post and retweet issues relevant to the industries I work with.
» In reply to Emmet1202
Up next @ToryBurch's Honor Brodie on merging content and commerce @GiltGroupe Brand Summit
Awaiting the start of the @giltgroupe Brand Summit on ecommerce #li
I'm expert at getting up and out in no time but that might have been a record even for me!
Want to see what goes on behind the scenes at a Bratt Decor photo shoot? Look behind the curtain.
One of My favourite blogs,Hayley Blease from Little Pinwheel is, quite simply, inspiring...Vote easily if you agree:)
@kirstiealley You go girl!
» In reply to kirstiealley
Fairy Floss design...back in stock soon at Huggalugs:)
Buckaroo...only at Huggalugs:)
Carmel Blue's Momfest 5/6/2011! Wonderful customers, super nice store, good was fun!
@amytangerine Thanks for the RT! The contest ends tomorrow and we've had some amazing entries!
» In reply to amytangerine
@sophieandlili Have you seen Cabbage Patch Kids??? Just give'em a weird name, stamp a number on their butts and slap on a high price tag!
» In reply to sophieandlili
@sophieandlili Limited Editions!
» In reply to sophieandlili
You have to read "Kissing Outside the Lines" by Diane Farr. She's a fantastic actor, great client, and super busy...

