The Latest Trade Tweets

@goldensnitch Congrats! You won! DM me your address :)
» In reply to goldensnitch
@melissarmoore Congrats Melissa! DM me your address!
» In reply to melissarmoore
Second winner! @melissarmoore! Congrats! 1 #free pair left! Tweet a pic of your LO in BL's w/ tag #BabyLegs to get a free pair!
We've got our first #winner! Congrats @thatsmindy! Two left! Tweet a pic of your LO in their BL's with tag #BabyLegs to #win a #free pair!
@thatsmindy Love those Kaleidoscope! You're a winner! DM me your address. Congrats Mindy!
» In reply to thatsmindy
BL Twitter #contest! First 3 people to tweet a pic of their little one in their BabyLegs with the tag #BabyLegs #wins a #free pair! ...Go!
How is it 5:30 already? I have one task that keeps getting bounced from one day to the next. I need to prioritize it & get it over with!
@mooshymama Love it! Those squishy bums are just too cute... especially with BL's ;)
» In reply to mooshymama
@mooshymama Cute!
» In reply to mooshymama
@mooshymama Do you use the one size or the AIO?
» In reply to mooshymama
Hey #Moms! What kind of #clothdiapers do you use? There are so many types! Prefolds, AIO, pocket, fitted... Do you have a favorite?
We're just back from the ABC Spring Conference/Trade Show, which has proven to be a great success for us! We're so...
Hope all of us Moms out there celebrated a Happy Mother's Day!
sibsense says: Kickin' Back in the Country: Every spring our friends Laura and Ron Hooper have a party in the co...
@paralegalmom Well, I vote for Dapper Snappers...but that's just my opinion. Lol! ;)
» In reply to paralegalmom -- Defining Your Destiny – Keys to Growing Your Business
Watching the children's wear designs in the #Parsonsgala day #li
@MaclarenNA hi email me directly at deadline for ABC issue is coming up
» In reply to MaclarenNA
Looking for amazing cookies for wedding style magazine shoot June 18th email me to be part of this.
RT @Parsons560: Point your browser here at 12pm EST, Livestream of #ParsonsGala noon runway show.

