The Latest Trade Tweets

Took my class on an amazing tour of @ElieTahari. Great offices and showrooms, very nice staff and designers, and enviable sewing room #li
What's the occasion? New baby or just want to honor your big girl! Only a few remaining! She will love all the glitter!
Got a new fury baby on sunday. He is deaf. The sweetest boy
Off to my final day of class this semester. After that, I'll just have exams to grade, and it's happy summer break! #li
@braininsights Wow! 9 months is early! Her mama's gonna have her hands full!
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@braininsights Aww, that's great! How old is she?
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Meet my BFF's DD in @zulily Clothes Call blog post Know a cutie you'd like them to feature email -- Author of Award-winning Baby Journal Launches Unique Baby Journaling Workshops
#Author of #Award-winning #Baby #Journal Launches Unique Baby Journaling Workshops via @AddThis
If you choose only one camp for your kid this summer, make it Summer Idol Camp! Packing all the most exciting...
Expecting #4? We've got gifts for 1,2 & 3 without breaking the piggy bank! #giftsforoldersibs #expecting #babygift
Neon Peace tee for Big Sis is here! Shop now at
@emmarieDesigns thanks, the automatic tweet was cheese...
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This rainy afternoon calls for a nice hot cup of jasmine green tea - will have to pass on the nap or bookreading, totboy is running wild!
Styled my profile with a sweet theme using Themeleon by @COLOURlovers Love it?
@DenisHurley I hope so but I much prefer the bakery quality cupcakes to the storefront places (and they know who they are). Big difference!
» In reply to DenisHurley
Don't miss Project Dinner Table this Saturday at Las Vegas Design Center!
Are you going to the @droolbaby expo in Boston on 5/31? Stop by and see #BabyLegs while you're cruising the booths!
Love cupcakes? Amazed @ the trend? Good article n @Incmagazine My faves r Two Little Red Hens in NYC, Susiecakes in LA
Have you been on project nursery? It's fantastic, lots of great design. Check it out.

