In the World of Kids’ Weather Gear, Aquarella Rains Supreme

Today, even young kids want to look stylish no matter what the weather. Umbrellas and rain boots can seem clunky, dull and uncool, and kids may balk at getting dressed for wet days because they worry their rain clothes will harm their playground cred. Let’s not blame it all on the kids though; many parents are fashion-conscious as well and prefer their children to have rain gear that matches their other outerwear. Aquarella Kids may just have the answer. The children’s clothing retailer offers umbrellas, rain boots, backpacks, pencil cases, wallets and lunch boxes that can be bought separately or purchased together in coordinating sets.

A city known for its blue sky, white sand, and warm breezes seems an unlikely setting for a company that’s specializes in rain gear, but Aquarella Kids is right at home in Miami, thanks to their bright, colorful and stylish line of accessories. Customers can choose from themes like Rockets, Birds, Paris, Cupcakes, and more. The patterns are bold and colorful, but not too babyish, so they appeal to a range of ages. For example, their Paris collection — one of their bestsellers for girls — features a depiction of the Eiffel Tower surrounded by hot air balloons and postcards on a pink background.

Isabel Rivas and Natiana Marante are the founders of Aquarella Kids. The two met in 1998 while they were working together in the corporate world. Years later they reconnected when they were both back in their home city of Miami. Both women had two children apiece and were interested in kids’ clothing, so they began developing the designs that would later become the foundation of Aquarella Kids. They wanted to create fun, functional rain gear and accessories that kids would be happy to wear.

It was a long road, but the pair was finally able to establish their brand in 2013. With strong promotion and great feedback from customers, their business quickly began to expand across the United States and the Caribbean. They are currently in markets that range from children’s boutique and gift stores, to museum/hospital gift shops, and online retailers like Amazon Zulilly and Hautelook.

Through it all, Isabel and Natiana are grateful for the encouragement they received from their friends, family and communities and they look forward to seeing their goals become realities. In 2014, they plan to work on doubling their business in the U.S., and reaching other markets like Canada and South America.

You can see all their collections at

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