2011 Back-To-School Spotlight

Review the Three R’s – Readin’, ‘Ritin’, and Retail ‘Rithmatic!
This Semester’s Objectives: 1.) Read and review the offers in all product categories. 2.) Write your final orders. 3.) Calculate the retail rewards!
As the national and regional Fall Markets take a “spring break,” it’s time to cram for last-minute answers that will ultimately put your Back-to-School sales to the test. What to buy? From whom? How much? How you answer these questions will either put you at the top of the class or hold you back from higher sales potential. Put your experience and marketing know-how to work, and be confident that you’ve planned a flawless course of action. Cover all the basics — from footwear, apparel, outerwear, and accessories to totes, backpacks, school supplies, and books. Back-to-School is a crucial buying season that sets the benchmark for the holiday season to come!
Class is now in session. Let The Giggle Guide™ be your tutor through each season and every semester. Take a peek at our answers to “what to buy?” These brands are on The Giggle Guide’s Honor Roll…


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