2011 Gift Spotlight

It’s Just What I Wanted!
The Giggle Guide’s inaugural Spotlight shines on gifts for children. Gift is consistently one of the best-selling categories year-round in the children’s business, as consumers are perpetually in need of baby shower, welcome home, recognition, birthday and holiday presents.
Since gifts are such personal choices, it’s wise to offer customers a variety of options to satisfy a wide range of tastes, budgets, occasions and recipient ages. Every children’s product — big or small — has the potential to generate joyful cries of appreciation and gratitude. However, it’s the retailer’s challenge to attractively offer a diverse assortment of giftable items that best cater to their store’s unique spectrum of clientele. A well-conceived gift selection can increase sales and keep customers coming back for more.
So, without further ado, we shine our first Spotlight on gifts in the children’s market!