It’s Good to Know … Erwin Pearl.

Erwin Pearl
Erwin Pearl

I’m grateful for my long friendship with Erwin Pearl. No, not the jeweler, but the Vice President of Sales at Earnshaw’s. I first met Erwin 30 years ago when I was a founding partner in an advertising agency. He was a mentor for me then and still shares his wisdom, insights and encouragement with me today. Our relationship has grown from client to co-worker and trusted confidant. Erwin readily shares his knowledge about the children’s fashion business and genuninely cares about the success of both his advertisers and his many prospects. He is interested in people and is as affable with newbies to the children’s industry as he is with the most prominent leaders of major brands.

I have worked with many advertising sales reps in a variety of industries over the years as both a media buyer and ad sales manager, but Erwin Pearl is the best in the business. His loyalty and caring go far beyond a sales order. His reputation is based on his character.

It’s good to know Erwin too because he’s a fun guy to be around. He has a positive attitude, sees the humor in life, and brightens up with joy at the mention of his two grandsons. Together we have enjoyed countless hearty laughs and a few agonies of defeat. He is a solid sounding board, with a gentle gift of wisdom he is too humble to even notice.

“It’s Good to Know” is a new recurring feature on my blog. Come back next week to meet the next person I’m glad to know in the children’s industry.

Who do YOU think it’s good to know in the children’s business? Please share your comments here.

David Gaunt
Editorial Director
The Giggle Guide

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Good to Know

For a new brand, I think one of the most elusive things is choosing when and what market to attend for your particular merchandise. Also, it would be good to know “quality” manufacturers. I know for us, when we think “hey, we like to do this or that” we don’t really know where to start sourcing…it’s this big, mashed up mess of information, countries, unknown quality, etc. I know for myself, I have people messaging me all the time on twitter asking me how we sourced our clothing. That’s my two cents. Great site by the way…I’m on here quite often.

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