Items tagged “Children (4-7 years)”

Woolly Boo is proud to announce its partnership with The Benjamin Hotel in New York City, where sleep is core, not an afterthought or coincidence.

Woolly Boo’s Toddler Pillow was selected as the official pillow of Winks’ Kidzzz Club, the hotel’s sleepy time program for the little leaders of tomorrow, to help reinforce the program’s mission of educating children and parents alike on the importance of sleep and healthy bedtime rituals such as choosing organic, chemical-free bedding, avoiding TV 1.5 hours before bedtime, and keeping a regular bedtime schedule even during vacation.

Contact: Selma Avdicevic / (973) 544-8404

Research shows that helping children develop emotional literacy before kindergarten sets them up for success in life. Enter acclaimed multi-media guru, The Mother Company. Known primarily for its award-winning series “Ruby’s Studio: The Feelings Show,” The Mother Company has launched its first line of children’s books aimed at providing social and emotional learning for kids. A Little Book About Feelings gives kids a simple explanation of varying emotions and what they mean. Its basic words and beautifully bright pictures will help children understand their own feelings and the feelings of others.

The Limeapple mission is simple: offer exceptional girls’ clothing for healthy living and fun. In line with their designs that radiate happiness and the joy of life, this Canadian-based company’s philosophy aims to support the highest ethical standards and fair practices. Limeapple strives for a world where style, comfort, health, wellness, and fairness are priorities. Limeapple has three clothing lines, all created for the modern girl: Limeapple Sport, Girl & Co. and Royal Couture all provide girls with stylish yet comfortable clothing designed to fit active lifestyles.

Who says that learning to communicate well has to be an exercise in tedium? The folks at Fundex Games have figured out a great way to help everyone, from students on up, to practice their communication skills in an exciting new game. Billed as “The Game of Construction by Instruction”, InStructures goes well beyond architecture: it actually has enjoyable learning down to a science.The developer of such popular games as Jarts and Gnip Gnop, Fundex has been bringing quality fun to families for over 25 years.

Who can forget Louis Armstrong’s powerful ballad, “What a Wonderful World”? The song reminds us all to take a look at our surroundings and really appreciate the true beauty and splendor that is everywhere we turn. He sang about the colors of the rainbows, trees of green, skies of blue and clouds of white in a way that vividly creates images in our minds of the colors of our beautiful world. Bestselling picture book author and illustrator, Ashley Wolff’s newly released hardcover edition, Baby Bear Sees Blue, celebrates these beautiful colors in a tale of discovery and wonder.

Expired: March 12th, 2012 - April 5th, 2012

The Easter Bunny has arrived!

This is the BIGGEST sale Zoobies® has ever offered. For the month of March only, we are offering 4 FREE Goodnight Moon™ Bunnies for every $200 spent—an $80 value! Spend $400 and get $160 free!

Note: Offer not valid with any other discounts and will only be offered for product shipped before April 5th.

Quick: picture a daydreamer hard at work. Can’t do it? Daydreamers aren’t usually associated with go-getters. Typically thought of as laid-back and passive, daydreamers are actually anything but lazy. Research scientists Kalina Christoff of UBC and Jonathan Schooler of UCSB monitored subjects with wandering attention, and have drawn the same conclusion that other studies have shown: daydreaming is not for slackers. The real question has nothing to do with whether daydreaming is beneficial, but rather how this brain power can be tapped and turned into the concrete. The answer? Daydream Toys.

National Sleep Week is approaching and in honor of promoting a safe, healthy and good night’s sleep, Woolly Boo is offering a free gift at Playtime New York.

Buyers, stop by and say hello to the founder, Selma Avdicevic, and learn more about the benefits of Woolly Boo products. Her heirloom quality toddler pillows, blankets, sleep sacks and the new All In One Nap Mat keep children comfortable and happy!

Playtime New York opens on Saturday, March 10 through Monday, March 12, at 82 Mercer, in Soho, New York City. Woolly Boo will be in Booth A19.

Contact: Selma Avdicevic / (973) 544-8404

Whether it is one princess and a table full of stuffed guests, several little girls gathered in their finest, special tea time with grandma, a pouting little brother forced to be the two in his sister’s tea, plain or fancy, tea parties are a cherished, timeless pastime. Tea sets can be found in a variety of styles: made of plastic, enamelware, porcelain or wood, modern or classic, brightly colored or painted by hand, there is the perfect set for every little girl. The Giggle Guide® serves up a party that includes sets from Jack Rabbit Creations, Beatrix Potter by Reutter Porcelain, I’m Still Me and Melissa & Doug.

Wednesday, April 25 – Poolside Reception – Welcome to Southpoint!
Please join us poolside for an evening of exceptional networking, lively entertainment and unlimited food and drink.
Thursday, April 26 – Beer & Bowling Networking Reception –
You don’t have to bowl or even leave the resort to have fun at our industry networking reception. Meet new people and catch up with old friends while sipping on your favorite beer (and other drinks) along with hors d’oeuvres.

Contact: All Baby & Child, Inc. (ABC Kids Expo) / (210) 691-4848

Fashion-forwardness in the infant and toddler set is becoming a hot trend for designers. No longer content with mass-marketed clothes, many parents want sartorial uniqueness for their mini me’s wardrobe. Enter Little Trendstar, whose name says it all. The brand is dedicated to little kids with big personalities. Creator Nicole Worth knows kids love the spotlight; she’s seen it countless times in her own two little boys. Her designs are all about capturing attention by focusing on fashionably creative graphics and plenty of style. Little Trendstar has already released seven new designs for 2012, including Beat Goes On, a guitar graphic tee that embodies the spirit of a true performer.

Introductions for the season: New Sneakers Collection, tall boots for older girls, holiday styles and organic tights

Contact: See Kai Run

