Items tagged “Eco-friendly”

Looking for a new feeding product that offers a recipe for sales success? Perhaps your shoppers are sick of buying jars of baby food for kiddies starting on solid foods. Maybe they are unsure of exactly what’s in those tiny jars and how wholesome the foods really are. More than likely, many customers share these thoughts and will salivate at the idea of an easy way to freeze and store big batches of healthy, homemade puree and food for older babies.

Itzy Ritzy Snack Happened Bags are not only adorable with lots of print options, they are also reusable, machine washable, and eco friendly!
So now snacking can be even more guilt free.”

-Red Tricycle

Thank you to our amazing and supportive community for voting for Itzy Ritzy - we are so thrilled to win this Red Tricycle Award out of 142, 865 votes and couldn’t have done this without you. As a thank you, we are celebrating with exclusive specials!

Contact: Brittany Sodora / (630) 839-9830

Baby carriers or slings have been around for thousands of years. They are an easy way to keep an infant close by while mom or dad go about the business of living. While this trend seems like it’s here to stay, there have been some serious safety concerns associated with baby slings and carriers. Many reputable companies have joined the Baby Carrier Industry Alliance to share their talents and become advocates for babywearing standards and safety. The Giggle Guide® applauds the Alliance’s goals and teamwork, and we plan to regularly update our readers on their activities and products. For our first installment we showcase Gypsy Mama, Beco and Moby.

Gumdrops and Lollipops Spring 2012

These days, parents are encouraged to get their little ones away from teeth-altering baby bottles and more toward actual cups around age one. While a sippy cup provides a good transition from bottle to standard cup, it’s not the only alternative. Enter the Lollacup, an adorable straw-based alternative made the U.S.A. The flexible straw on the Lollacup has a weighted end that anchors it in the liquid to help young children drink effectively at most angles, letting them learn how to sip without major spillage.

Even though the days are cooling off, all eyes are turned toward the latest and greatest summer fashions for 2012. Retailers and consumers are hungry for something different — especially for clothing that busts out of the safety zones that have marked recession fashion. The trends in the higher-end collections lean more toward eye-catching asymmetrical garb, luscious floral prints in bright hues, gorgeous pleats, and attention-getting ruffles. The Giggle Guide® shows next year’s sizzle from Eternal Creation, Scout Collection, and Joules.

Winter Market kicks-off Thursday, January 19 and runs through Wednesday, January 24

CHICAGO, IL (October 25, 2011) - Merchandise Mart Properties, Inc. (MMPI) and The Chicago Market announce their 2012 Market schedule offering retail buyers in the Midwest and beyond access to an extraordinary line- up of new and established resources. A world-class market with Midwest hospitality will welcome buyers, manufacturers, reps and designers four times this year with its expansive array of categories and collections.

Contact: The Chicago Market / (312) 527-7600

When the stork delivers ahead of schedule, the baby may be too small for standard-sized clothes. If the newborn is very early, some time may be spent at the hospital, attached to monitors and other equipment. Preemies deserve clothing that’s as appealing as full-term baby wear. Earlybirds outfits are a timely answer.The dedicated folks at Earlybirds worked with pediatricians, NICU staff and parents to create a range of garments specifically for teeny-tiny babies.

ABC Kids Expo - Louisville, Kentucky (9/23/11 - 9/26/11)

The world’s largest juvenile products trade show held its 9th annual exposition at the Kentucky Exposition Center September 23-26, 2011. “Most exhibitors we have talked with had good shows,” said Larry Schur, president of All Baby & Child, Inc., adding that some felt that the show was the best ever in terms of order writing and quality of buyer attendance. Several brands impressed the The Giggle Guide® including Über Baby Lifestyles, Packit, numi numi design, Hatched Egg’rs, Kidzikoo, and Kaya Goods.

Thank you for telling us what you wanted next! Now introducing Underouts in size XXS for toddlers (2/3T).

XXS Underouts have been tested by our Founder’s 3 year old daughter, Campbell.

She says, “I love my Knickerbocker Glory because …. they are so soft and warm! I want to wear them all the time”.

Contact: Knickerbocker Glory / (888) 400-2431

Gifts that spark an intellectual response and curiosity from a child may have more long-term play value than other less creative choices. In today’s eco-conscious climate, many parents look for innovative ways to bolster kids’ natural curiosity and inspire them to think about others and the environment around them. It was this desire that led Phoebe Hayman to create Seedling, a company that creates kits which encourage kids to use their imaginations and explore the world… naturally!

Expired: October 5th, 2011 - October 31st, 2011

Knickerbocker Glory Underouts are quickly becoming recognized as the most comfortable and innovative girls underwear available. Designed to be okay to be seen, they offer her the freedom to do what she wants and parents peace of mind. Made from organic cotton…you won’t find softer and once customers try them, they come back time and time again!

Contact: Sales at Knickerbocker Glory / (888) 400-2431

