The Biz

Behind The Brand” visits with artist Marnie Vollenhals about her collection of limited-edition original paintings on recycled/reclaimed canvases. Her artistic vision is one of “simple design,” but her business savvy and creativity run deep. Discover the beauty of this artist, mom and entrepreneur who is the picture of art appreciation.

At the recent Licensing International Expo 2009 in Las Vegas, Disney Consumer Products announced key character franchises poised for breakout growth at retail over the next several years. Learns what’s coming for these favorites … Handy Manny. Hannah Montana. Toy Story 3. Mickey Mouse. Winnie the Pooh. Disney Princesses. Tinker Bell. Disney Fairies. DCP has plans to keep favorite characters going and growing for new and old generations!

Women recovering from a Cesarean, c-moms as they are called, have a unique challenge caring for a newborn while healing from major surgery. As if childbirth wasn’t hard enough. C-Panty, The After Cesarean Underwear, is a new product developed to provide relief to new moms during their recovery. Named a Top Product by Pregnancy Magazine, the C-Panty was developed by a rehabilitation specialist and surgeon team who are also husband and wife.

Gabby Caperon’s personal journey is one of hope, adventure, love, ambition and surprises. Along the way, she created Beco Baby Carriers. She turned $5 into more than a million! The Giggle Guide™ is pleased to spotlight Gabby’s success story as our first profile in our “Road To Success” series. Hope. Love. Success. Isn’t that what our children’s business is all about?

Little for Now natural parenting store is an online retailer offering eco-friendly and attachment-parenting products. Little for Now is a one-stop shop for cloth diapers and accessories, baby carriers, and slings. Julie Renee Holland shares how her little business grew through many changes!

The Snuggin Go is an infant positioner designed by Beth Rumack, a Neonatal Nurse Practitioner. After years of helping parents position the smallest infants into car seats with rolled blankets and towels, her own daughter was born in 2004 at just 6 pounds. Beth spent 5 years researching and designing the Snuggin Go out of a sincere desire to reduce the danger infants face when improperly positioned in a seat.

“A penny saved is a penny earned?” With today’s inflation and recession and depression or whatever else that ends in an “ion” that we’re in together, we all have to pinch greenbacks, not coins! Who is finding ways to save? If your customers are not spending more, better start saving more. Here’s some penny-wise tips from The Giggle Guide™. Help your fellow retailer, and share the wealth of ideas you have tried that make you a “wiser miser”!

Piggy Paint, an all-natural line of nail polish, offers an alternative to traditional kid polish. Water-based and made from natural ingredients, Piggy Paint provides polish in bright and exciting colors, suitable for even the smallest diva.

With the summer season unofficially begun, The Giggle Guide™ reveals the sales sizzle and behind-the-scenes story of KINeSYS performance sunscreen products. This notion for lotion is a journey of love, sweat and tears - with a bright future focused on safety, families, and environmental responsibility.

