david gaunt’s Blog

I enjoy many valued business relationships with children’s apparel sales reps, and Sandra Martinez is one of the pros that I have known the longest, and count as one of the very best in the business. For years Sandra has been the owner of In Play Showroom at The California Market Center in Los Angeles, but I first met her when she was in sales and marketing at American Apparel. We clicked right away.

Do you know the phrase, “Keep all your plates in the air”? Remember the circus act where a person has to keep multiple plates spinning fast on top of tall poles, so that no plates fall? I remember this act from the Ed Sullivan Show! In business, we call this act “multi-tasking.” Gemma Touchstone, a talented, multi-hyphenate entrepreneurial expert in many facets of the children’s apparel and product business, is the most amazing “plate spinner” I know! She keeps lots of project plates going strong, while wearing lots of “hats” too!

I was a full-time partner in an advertising agency for almost 30 years, and I know from experience that it’s great to know a good copywriter, photographer, and most of all, a graphic designer. Linda Mah-Snyder is the best computer graphic designer I know. I have worked with her as a business partner for over 25 years and she never ceases to amaze me with her creativity, work ethic, innovation, appreciation of tight budgets and ability to lead an entire creative team and develop a great rapport with any and every client.

I met Angela Edgeworth, president and founder of pediped Footwear, in 2005 at her first gift trade show. We hit it off quickly as Angela was very open to sharing her new venture and I was only too willing to give her my two cents worth of trade show wisdom. (I remember that she made me aware of the potential to sell children’s products and gifts to upscale car washes!) At our first meeting we began what has grown into a very nice business friendship, based on mutual respect, admiration and appreciation of our ability to help each other in our respective businesses.

It’s actually great that I know and work with Leesa Valentino on The Giggle Guide. Together, we’re the public face of The Giggle Guide at trade events nationwide. Leesa is co-founder-editor-publisher of The Giggle Guide. No multi-title hyphenate can corral all she does, including wrangling our writers, scooping out stories, managing our editorial calendar, providing tech support to sponsors, selling The Giggle Guide, traveling to all major trade events, and being a number one leader with great cheer and vision!

I met Brooke Showell in 2003 when she took over as the “Small World” editor at Earnshaw’s. I do not like change, and I thought I would have to “take her under my wing,” show her the ropes and help her learn about the juvenile product and baby biz. I am pleased to admit that Brooke quickly proved me wrong as she flew on her own from day one.

Stan’s The Man at ENK! If you’ve ever attended the ENK Children’s Club in NYC, you probably know Stanley Kaye. The first time I attended ENK, Stanley was at the entrance, greeting everyone. With that first warm welcome, we became business friends. Stanley reminds me of a gracious host at a huge dinner party. He knows everybody, and wants each person to enjoy themselves and mingle both with new and old faces. He wants the occasion to be worthwhile and memorable, something people will talk about and want to come back to again and again.

I’m grateful for my long friendship with Erwin Pearl. No, not the jeweler, but the Vice President of Sales at Earnshaw’s. I first met Erwin 30 years ago when I was a founding partner in an advertising agency. He was a mentor for me then and still shares his wisdom, insights and encouragement with me today. Our relationship has grown from client to co-worker and trusted confidant. Erwin readily shares his knowledge about the children’s fashion business and genuninely cares about the success of both his advertisers and his many prospects.

i attended the first 7 W NYC Baby & Kids Fair earlier this week. I have been to so many trade shows over the past 30 years, but I have never attended a children’s trade event that offered as many perks to both buyers and exhibitors. Congratulations to the 7 W sales and management team, as well as the entire staff of the building, for hosting a successful and first-class premier event.

