The Biz

Parents are taking advantage of every opportunity to boost their children’s skills and intelligence levels from the earliest age, and research studies support the idea that music gives children a competitive edge. Music aids in the development of a child’s brain, and may be an important factor in increasing mathematical abilities. However, just listening to music won’t give junior the edge –– he actually needs to learn songs and play instruments. Jamtown, Woodstock Chimes, Hohner Kids, and Schylling Toys know that music needs to be fun, so they draw on a wealth of differing experiences to bring children the great instruments they love to play.

Building bricks are among the classic toys of childhood. Now, block-loving kids can have an even better building experience thanks to BrickStix — specially designed decals that enhance the look of plastic play blocks. BrickStix go on easily and cleanly and simply peel off for reusing over and over. BrickStix also have the advantage when it comes to variety. They offer many themes from space to shopping to city life, and each set is detailed and colorful enough to bring a child’s building project to life.

Sometimes it’s the simplest, most basic toys that bring the most fun and delight. With all the electronic games and battery-operated gadgets available today, a kid sometimes finds it nice to reach for a toy that can be appreciated for its cuddle factor alone. Piggy Wiggies — soft, cute pig-themed collectible toys — definitely fill that need. Piggy Wiggies are available as full-sized toys or mini key chains. The impulse-buy appeal comes from the whimsical, folk-art-inspired designs; each pig has its own unique appearance, with soft fabric ears and “nostrils” made of painted wooden craft flowers.

Gifts that spark an intellectual response and curiosity from a child may have more long-term play value than other less creative choices. In today’s eco-conscious climate, many parents look for innovative ways to bolster kids’ natural curiosity and inspire them to think about others and the environment around them. It was this desire that led Phoebe Hayman to create Seedling, a company that creates kits which encourage kids to use their imaginations and explore the world… naturally!

Parents want their children to succeed, and many believe that a good start includes high-quality early learning experiences. Long before children enter school they can develop foundational skills for reading, language, and mathematics. Companies that produce educational toys have seen a boom in sales. There’s a good amount of educational merchandise for kids, and companies have to compete for the attention of discerning, parents who are looking for appropriate toys, games and learning systems for their young children. The Teach My brand is distinguished as an innovator in early education.

Even in nature, youngsters love soft, cozy places. From baby birds in nests to little mice in beds of grass and weeds, moms lovingly construct comfortable places for their little ones to thrive. Human moms of course take this instinct a bit further and add all the fun decorative flourishes that take room design from the bare basics to fashionable and stimulating. Roman, Inc., Stephen Joseph, Douglas, and Maison Chic are all companies that help families stay in style with high-quality room décor, school gear, toys, accessories and more.

GrandCamp Adventures is the embodiment of all things golden about the grandchild/grandparent relationship. Company creators Patricia Babuka and Scott Schaefer recognized the valuable role their grandparents played and set out to honor it. Launched in 2010, GrandCamp Adventures became more than just a company: it became a trusted resource that provides fun, educational, and family-honoring materials.

Lina Bean products offer fashionable baby accessories from bibs and burp clothes to changing pads and Crayon rolls. What makes this collection so unique? First of all, the products are as cute and clever as the brand name sounds. Owner Caroline Kurz Ritter was first nicknamed ‘Lina Bean because ‘Lina was short for Caroline, and she was a like a string bean as a child. The name seemed to fit, and her family still refers to her as ‘Lina Bean. Ritter started the business in 2006, when her first child was two months old. She noticed he was spitting up a lot and none of her burp cloths stayed put on her shoulder. She cut one into a bean shape, and it worked!

When Tera Petersen had her daughter and wanted simple organic t-shirts for her, she found a lack of quality pieces that she wanted to buy. What to do when you want something for your little one that doesn’t exist? You make it yourself, of course! Tera created lunacy design, a green company featuring all organic hand-screened t-shirts, complete with non-toxic ink. Based in Brooklyn, NY, lunacy design t-shirts are all made from cloud-soft 100% organic cotton.

